27 Apr 2023, 19:03
🗒️ SUSTAINABILITY UPDATE ANNOUNCEMENT 🗒️ Hey Champs, Ultimate Champions turns one this week and it's time to announce our most ambitious update yet 🔥 I strongly suggest reading through each section of this update, including the introductory context, to fully grasp the rationale behind these changes. TL;DR Removed - Premium Packs, we will stop selling Packs entirely 🆕 - Card Burner 🆕 - Auctions 🆕 - Marketplace fees changes 🆕 - Automatic Champ Burn 🆕 - Distribution Method All details in our latest Medium article: We're extremely excited to embark on this sustainability journey together with all of you. This update is a stepping stone, stay tuned for exciting news in the coming months 👀! Thanks for your patience, passion, and unwavering support for Ultimate Champions. We're only getting started 🔥 🔥