UPDATE DEPLOYMENT. Hey Champs, we hope everyone is having a nice boxing day. Holidays, schmolidays.

26 Dec 2022, 14:44
🛠️UPDATE DEPLOYMENT 🛠️ Hey Champs, we hope everyone is having a nice boxing day 📺 Holidays, schmolidays! We're starting the deployment of the Gnar update. The game (and marketplace) will be down a couple of minutes while it's updating. In this update you will find two major improvements 🆕 Team builders are now fully mobile friendly! On top of being mobile friendly you should also see a couple of improvements: Score sorting, Team formations that don't reset your entire team and an overall better UX! 🆕 Cards registered in a team can now be listed on the marketplace! Long awaited change, this should help the marketplace volume by allowing you to play and list rare cards. ⚠️ If you sell a card you registered in a team BEFORE the gameweek starts: you will have an empty slot in your team! Substitutes will not fill it! If you sell a card you registered in a team when the gameweek is live: you're all good, you will still get the points. ➡️ Next update: Hecarim Hecarim will be deployed mid January! It will bring a fully responsive Marketplace / Collection / Card details! More details will follow shortly in our 2022 wrap up Medium article. Have a great day, Champs! 🤩 Don't forget to register your teams for Gameweek 51 and 52 starting Wednesday and Sunday